Pro-Israel Lobby: Black Jews Are “Backward”

FLAME is one of the more militant pro-Israel lobby groups. Unlike mainstream Zionist organizations which pay lip service to a two-state solution and often refrain from extreme positions, FLAME opposes a Palestinian state and often takes racist stands against Arabs and now against black Jews or falashas.

In seeking to claim that Israel is a tolerant and pluralistic society, FLAME brags that Israel has welcomed black Jews from Ethiopia. But in the same sentence is mocks these Jews:
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Israel has brought in about 70,000 black Ethiopian Jews, who despite their backwardness have become fully integrated citizens of Israel.

This type of language isn’t surprising. The airlift of falashas into Israel has served a great propaganda purpose for the Zionist state by falsely presenting an image of Israeli tolerance. But the falasha entrance into Israel has not been one of welcoming them as fellow Jews worthy of respect.

Instead they are discriminated against, often denied entry into schools and routinely called “Niggers” to their face. Just go to an Israeli news site and put in the word falasha and you’ll come across news stories documenting this widespread abuse and discrimination.

The falasha are looked down upon as inferior and many of them, if not most (contrary to what the racist propagandists at FLAME say), are not integrated into Israeli society.

If these is how Zionists treat and speak about fellow Jews simply because they are black Africans, it is any wonder that they treat and speak about Arabs in the manner they do?

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