It’s a new year, and a new season is just around the corner, so you should be feeling good. Spring is a few months ago, and what better time to get your fitness regime back on track and strut your shape?
If you haven’t worked out much during the winter season, now is the perfect time to get started. That said, staying in shape with the traditional exercise routine can become boring and leave you unmotivated if you don’t discover new ways to trim your waistline.
Keeping that in mind, here are some ways to break through the cycle:
Sweat it out outdoors
With a mild temperature, longer daylight hours, and blooming flowers, there’s no better phase of the year to soak up the sun and take the workout outdoors. If you’re tired of using the elliptical or treadmill, head out for a trail with your workout partner.
Do you love yoga? Clear your chakras as the sun rises with a session on your patio or deck or in an open ground. You can also engage in core-strengthening exercises in your neighborhood park; take along an exercise mat to do leg lifts, lunges and other conditioning exercises in a grassy area.
Watch what you eat
A classic winter mistake is setting unrealistic goals when it comes to losing weight. Skipping up on food lowers your metabolic rate, and reduces your fat burning potential. A lower metabolic rate lowers the calorie-burning potential of your body, so you would want to make sure that instead of skipping food altogether, you eat clean and in small portions throughout the day during the spring season.
The Healthy Trim Facebook page shares a video about 7 tips to clean eating. One of the tips is to eat whole, unprocessed foods to give your body the essential nutrients it needs to perform at its peak capacity during spring workout sessions. Unprocessed foods also give you a leeway to eat more quantity and make you feel fuller than refined foods such as packaged juice and chips.
Another option is to include natural supplements in your diet to get the nutrients you need if you can’t stock up on food and vegetables because of work or other commitments. The Healthy Trim LinkedIn page discusses how with proper diet and exercise, you can enjoy the great benefits and body changes with natural dietary supplements. Healthy ingredients like Caralluma fimbriata and Hoodia gordonii are plants from India and South Africa and have been consumed by healthy populations for centuries.
Join group fitness classes
Even though spring calls for outdoor workouts, you can’t always plan your sessions outside because of other commitments or bad weather. In such instances, you can join group fitness classes, which have come a long way since their inception in the 70s and 80s. Today, these classes range from bootcamp style workouts to yoga and Pilates.
As a result, you can easily find a class that suits your body type and the type of workout you enjoy, including those that focus on latest trends in the industry such as foam rollers and kettlebells.
Group classes are a convenient and budget-friendly option to try something new to add a new element to your fitness regime. If you already have a membership of a facility that offers these classes, you’ll be able to take advantage at no additional cost.
Article Submitted By Derrick Manning (Community Writer)