6 reasons why Dressed Turkey wins over Stuffed Turkey

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Most often turkey dressing for Thanksgiving is confused with a turkey stuffing, but an article in the New York Times takes the pick from a 30 years old James Beard recipe to clear the confusion of the difference between a dressed and a stuffed turkey, claiming that the former tastes better. Facts provided in the article points out that, dressed turkey is the one where the fillings are cooked before they are stuffed into the turkey. The article tips the following reasons as to why dressed turkey is better than stuffed turkey:

1. Pre-cooking the ingredients for stuffing makes the stuffing crispy and light.

2. Pre-cooked stuffing absorbs less moisture from the turkey juices while roasting.

3. Dressed turkey is less moist as compared to the uncooked stuffing.

4. Pre-cooked stuffing can be tailor-made to adjust as per the flavors and therefore takes less effort while pushing the stuffing into the bird.

5. It takes less time to roast a dressed turkey.

6. While cooking the ingredients for stuffing outside the turkey, you can be creative with flavors and fillings.

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