While there are many reasons why someone could fall for you or you may fall for someone, there are few psychologically explained reasons that are responsible for people falling for each other.
According to the different researches carried by different psychologists, here are few reasons that may sound absurd but play a huge role in the attraction process.
Your body language
The way you communicate through your body also has an effect. A closed stance or hidden and shoulders inward can mean that you are not interested. However, showing your palms and exposing your torso will mean that you are interested.
Eye contact
Another study suggests that you can develop feelings for someone you have never met before by just looking into their eyes for two minutes.
Joan Kellerman, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts conducted an experiment in which he asked 72 undergraduates who have never met each other before to stare into each other’s eyes for two minutes.
Later, the participants reported that they had developed feelings for love and passion for their partner. It suggests that you can fall in love with someone if you do something as simple as staring into their eyes for two minutes.
Your dog
Who knew that owning a dog could attract love into your life? A study conducted at the University of Michigan proved that being a dog owner can attract opposite sex.
Women were given descriptions of several men and they favored men who owned dogs. The study showed that those men who own dog represent a person who is nurturing and dedicated to a relationship.
You are alike
No, opposites don’t attract. You are more likely to like a person who is like you. If you share the same life experiences, beliefs, ideas, and personality broadly, you will relate more to each other and understand each other in daily life.
Your beverage
This might sound highly unusual but the beverage you are having at your date also determines your date’s feeling towards you.
They will perceive you as a warm person if they are holding a warm beverage in their hand and vice versa. Because of the warm beverage that they are holding in their hand, their mind will be reinforced to judge you warmly.
Your opposite sex parent
Have you heard of the hypothesis given by Freud of Oedipus Complex? According to Freud, a child has a sexual attraction towards the parent of opposite sex during a certain period of infancy.
As it turns out, it may have a part to play in our partner preferences. David Perrett, a psychologist at the University of St Andrews, researched and the results showed that people choose their long-term partner whose eye and hair color resembled their opposite-sex parent.
Thrilling activities
Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron and conducted an experiment in 1974 in which they made men walk on two different bridges’ one of the bridges was a high, shaky one and the other was low.
After the men had crossed the bridge, they were made to talk to a female experimenter who had a brief talk with them and gave them her phone number.
The men who walked on the high bridge were more likely to call the woman in comparison to men who walked on the low bridge.
It is because of the “misattribution of arousal”. According to the psychologists, it is a condition in which the arousal caused by a thrilling activity is mistaken for arousal for a woman. And for that reason, going on a thrilling date together makes people feel that they enjoy the company of their date when in reality, the arousal was from the thrilling activity.
Your Scent
According to a study conducted at the University of Southern California, women are attracted to men with high levels of testosterone. Ovulating women were given t-shirts worn by men to smell and they preferred the t-shirts of men with high testosterone levels.