Altering Wine-Making Traditions with Wood Shavings

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A recent report in the Associated Press reveals that the French Government is going to expand wine-making techniques and cut down the cost of wine-making by adding wooden chips to wine, to enhance its flavor. The report shows that it is not any novel idea and is used by other wine making countries to add flavor to its wine. As per the Agricultural Ministry:

The use of wood shavings is already authorized by the European Community and will soon be entered into national regulation. The goal is to open up the range of authorized winemaking practices.

But Roland Feredj, director of a Bordeaux wine council known by the initials CIVB had something else to say with respect to France ‘learning cost-cutting’ techniques from Australians and Americans. To this new reform there were oppositions of driving out the flavor and authenticity of France wines. As per Nicolas Ronceray, who works at a small wine bar in Paris:

In the end, we are going to make wines like we make food at McDonald’s. When you put wood shavings in wine … you can no longer speak about ‘aroma,’ you must speak about ‘odor,’ like you would for a chemical product. For me this is the beginning of the end.

Well there may be different opinions fact remains that French wines have a charm of their own and a alteration in the tradition of French wine-making will make it stand in the same with line American and Australian wines.

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