Amazing foods and drinks from Amazon

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During summers when you feel thirsty, drink juices full of ice and fruity essence and if you are planning to visit Peru, do sneak into Alejandro’s blogs for more insight. The camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) comes with delicious and refreshing effects. Ice rolls dipped in juices and vivid colors are extremely appealing.

The aguaje (Moriche Palm) fruit is edible raw and in drinks. Pupunha (Bactris gasipaes) is served at breakfast and as a snack in the afternoon. The pitomba, commonly found in street stalls, in towns and fields, with tang, joins the jenipapo in this world of delights. The jenipapo yields a dark-blue dye used in body-painting, and is used in refreshments and wines.

The cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) can be used to make ice-cream, juice, dessert, salami, wine, liquor and chocolate. Its seeds contain caffeine and theobromine.

Brazil is widely known for some of the beverages they produce. It produces a powerful, clear, raw rum called Cachaca made from fermented sugar cane alcohol.

Thanks: Alejandro

Via: GlobalVoicesOnline

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