Baking Chocolates rave about the ‘gourmet’ side

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Confectionery makers are reported to have turned to artisan chocolates for bakery purposes to provide the chefs and pastry makers with an array of options to choose from while baking with cocoa or chocolate. While facts provided claims that brands like Hershey, Nestle and Ghirardelli are coming up with premium baking chocolates, chefs and bakery specialists prefer the chocolates they had been using since years, irrespective of the cacao content in it.

However, baking chocolates contribute to the $14bn sales in the chocolate market, there is a hint that these bakers cannot escape from the haunting profiles of the gourmet cocoa to exercise their creativity. Moreover, it is not at the end of the day, a baker’s choice, but the changing tastes of consumers, which is more on the gourmet side, engaging multiple layers of chocolate flavor from dark to bittersweet.

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