Ban on Foie Gras sale pushes-up its consumption

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Following a ban on the sale of Foie Gras in Chicago, some of the restaurants in the city are reported to have served the delicacy with an intention of expressing their consternation against the ban. To make this consternation evident the restaurants that had never served the pate of duck and geese presented to their guests in apparently fancy forms of pan-seared foie gras and scallops, Vesuvio-style entree pairing foie gras and tenderloin, foie gras on pizza, so on and so forth.


Both City Council and restaurants have the justifications for their respective Foie Gras act, but both are dicey. Strictly, from the perspective of culinary hankering, Foie Gras is one of the most sophisticated French delicacies and completely removing it from their cuisine is more a matter of hurting culinary sentiments.

foie feed

Perhaps the only solution lies in going with the EU reports, which claims that ducks do not feel the pain when the grain is ingested into the esophagus. City council is making itself appear weird by taking judgments about foie Gras touching only the tip of the iceberg. City council should rather sit back and enjoy the irony with a bite of Foie Gras that ducks find pleasure on being force-fed.

Via: NY Times

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