Birds Eye Foods to launch Birds Eye® Steamfresh™ vegetables

56y57uyuybnbA few of day’s back we witnessed the launch of readymade packed fruits by Sunkist and this time we would see Birds Eye Foods based in Rochester, N.Y., a fruit and vegetable processor, to launch Birds Eye® Steamfresh™. This vegetable packet features pre-steamed vegetable, which you just have to take out from the refrigerator and put it inside the microwave oven on high for 5-6 minutes. The nine varieties of Birds Eye® Steamfresh™ vegetables are Broccoli Cuts; Super Sweet Corn; Cut Green Beans, Mixed Vegetables; Sweet Peas; Broccoli & Cauliflower; Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Carrots; Broccoli, Carrots, Sugar Snap Peas; & Water Chestnuts; Sweet Mini Corn on the Cob (4 ears).

Most of the vegetables are cruciferous based, except corn and peas, but it is fine until all the vegetables provide nutrition. The best part of these steamed vegetables is the packaging which is designed in such a way that the bag gets puffed-up under the pressure of steam and then a patented vent releases the steam inside the bag and uniformly cooks the food giving you optimum flavor, crisp texture and unique aroma, locking all the important nutrients inside the bag. So now you have got the most hassle-free way to do your veggies.

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