Bit of ‘Beef Lingo’ saves consumers from faux-marketing of food chains

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Oft-reported usage of all natural, grass-fed and organic beef in upscale dining has blinded the consumers towards the difference between the two grades of meat.

Facts provided by the American Grass Fed Association makes it clear that while grass-fed beef comes from beef from cattle that has eaten nothing but their mother’s milk, fresh grasses or grass-type hay from birth to harvest, the organic beef can be both grain and grass fed, but without any antibiotics or artificial feeders. Therefore, the assertion that both grades of the meat are healthy and wholesome in texture stands true.

However, as far as the flavor is concerned the natural variety being grass-fed lacks the natural marbling of the grain-fed beef. It is reported that consumers prefer more of grain-fed beef because of its marbling that imparts flavor.

The purpose of understanding difference between various grades of meat serves the purpose only when a consumer makes a clear-cut choice between flavor and health, where the natural grass-fed varieties stands for health and the grain-fed for flavor.

Moreover, knowledge of the taste of naturally low-fat grass-fed beef and the grain-fed one will save consumers from getting scandalized from the marketing of the upscale restaurants and supermarkets.

Via: Washingtonpost

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