Boiling Egg without Water!

egg bulb 7Simon Rhymes from Bournemouth University, Chippenham, Wilts, is reported to have come-up with Bulbed Egg Maker (BEM), which claims to boil a perfect egg, without introducing the egg into a pot of boiling water. Facts provided about the BEM are that it is a machine of four high-powered halogen light bulbs, which cooks an egg in six minutes to produce a runny yolk. Rhymes claims to have patented the design and asserts that it would become a household item, at par with the bread toaster.

egg dunk 7Many egg-makers claim to produce soft to hard-boiled eggs in a moment, but this egg maker is the first one to cook egg without water. Though the flavor and texture remains the same, yet the culinary technique represents the Jewish tradition of roasting eggs rather than boiling eggs, for the very reason that the eggs are boiled by heat and not by water. While grilled eggs can take about 10-12 minutes, busy diners at breakfast tables can go for a 6 minutes bargain for a soft-boiled egg and the best part of eating this boiled egg is that it is cooked to perfection for dunking toasts.

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