Bread and Butter Pudding: ‘Simply’ milk beneath slices of bread

Europe: England, U.K

bbgghBritain’s authentic, loved and easiest dessert, Bread and butter Pudding has passed through many trends, but it is all about being puritanical of this humble dessert and not mixing it up with a standard bread pudding. The original Bread and Butter Pudding is all about adhering to the simple:

1. Half a single slice of bread, leaving the crust on the edges.
2. Butter both the sides of the bread and top it with black currants, candied peel and cover it with another slice of buttered bread.
3. Whip milk, eggs, double cream, nutmeg and cinnamon powder in a container.
4. Pour this batter on top of the fruit-sandwiches and then bake them for 30-40 mins in a preheated oven upto 140 degree centigrade.

Now this is the original recipe, as far as getting instant with a custard base or replacing the bread with croissants, scattering fresh between the layers of bread, adding your chocolate and rum fantasies into the egg-milk mixture, then you better go for a vanilla ice-cream or the modern version of bread pudding. I stand-by the running mixture of egg & milk beneath the crusty bread.

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