Britons relegate traditional cuisine to promote limited range of American flavours

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Survey conducted by YouGov has reportedly revealed that Britons have reduced their regular cooking to just 4.1 dishes. Facts provided claim that busy lifestyles of Britons has relegated traditional British favourites to the background with 7.59 million diners sticking to pasta dishes and stir-fries each week.

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Earlier reports have shown that generation gap has been leading Britain’s old classics to fringes and may be this was the reason British chefs were encouraged to cook-up regional British cuisine for Queen Elizabeth’s birthday last year.

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Statistics just proves that British palates are getting adapted to American cuisine and French flavours. Therefore, it has become all the more important to rejuvenate British delicacies by bringing in a convergence with contemporary flavours in British classics like shepherd’s pie, roasted meats, bangers and mash and stews.

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Fact remains that if home cooks in England can spend time learning the discipline of Italian cuisine then they are left with little excuse to render variety to good-old British dishes.

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