Brussel’s Sprouts

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I do not know what exactly Brussels sprouts are. After searching the web, I found that it’s a wild cabbage grown in the autumn and springs. The ingredients of the vegetable help fight cancer and enhance body’s defense system.

This vegetable is not liked by most of us and children hate eating it, but they forget that it’s beneficial for health.

Sulforaphane, which is formed when cruciferous vegetables are chopped or chewed, hence trigger the liver and detoxify cancer causing chemicals. They are good source of various nutrients such as vitamins A, K, C, B1, B2 and E.

These are excellent source of vitamin C, body’s primarily soluble antioxidant. It supports immune system and helps in manufacture of collagen. It also plays an important role in bringing that natural glow to your skin.

How to select and store

Good quality of them is firm, compact and vivid green. They should be freed from the wilted and yellow leaves. Avoid getting ones with perforations in their leaves. Choose them in a regular pattern, as they’ll cook evenly. These can be stored in refrigerators for a long period of time. Wash them properly and rinse of the extra dirt.
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Here’s a salad dressing recipe


6 medium sized Brussels sprouts with excess stem removed
1 large carrot cut into small chunks
200gms of broccoli florets
200gms green beans (sliced)
500gms of mushrooms (sliced into thin pieces)
1 medium red bell pepper cut into small chunks
Medium sized union (sliced thinly)
3tbsp honey
4 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp minced fresh oregano
3 medium cloves of garlic (crushed)
Salt and black pepper to taste
Pinch of red chili flakes


1. In a pan boil the salted water. Place colander in sink and set up bowl of ice water.
2. Cut your vegetables into chunks.
3. When water begins to boil then add carrots, Brussels sprouts and cook for four minutes.
4. Add broccoli, pepper, green beans, mushrooms and onion. Cook them for another 4four minutes.
5. Drain the water and immediately put these chunks into ice cold water. Let them chill and drain off ice water.
6. Make marinade by whisking together ingredients by adding olive oil little by little.
7. Put these vegetables into a bowl, add marinade, cover and let it refrigerate for at least for an hour.

Via: Cookingforengineers

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