Camel milk ice cream might freeze low-cal ice-creams in market

camel milk122Following the release of camel milk chocolates in Januray, Al Ain Camel Farm, UAE, one of the partners in the Austrian chocolates, is reported to rollout the second manifestation of camel milk in an ice cream, with the low-cal tag attached to it. The camel-milk-ice-cream claims to focus the low-calorie, high calcium and lactose substitute benefits of camel milk to the consumers through the ice cream.

What stands unaltered is the commercial strength of camel milk in UAE and introduction of camel milk in ice cream will undoubtedly soar up sales of the product. To add to this is the consistency that this brand claims to offer to the consumers in mouthfeel of the ice cream with trendy flavors.

Exports of camel ice cream to UK and US might give a tough competition to the recent ingredient innovations in ice cream by Unilever and Danisco. Consumer’s preference will be towards the new milk in the row, which is naturally low in calories rather than feeling weird at ice creams made slimmer by eel’s blood or going for the low-skimmed stuff, less creamy by nature

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