Cheese and wine pairing has exceptions too…

cheese and wine pairing 7

Some cheese and wine pairings underestimate the capacity of cheese and ruins the idea of pairing wine with cheese. An article in The Guardian elaborates the fact that the balance between cheese and wine should be such that the higher acidic and salt content of cheese should not strip the mellowness or acidity of wine. Briefly, as per pairing rules, a strong and robust cheese should be paired with a strong and robust red wine and light cheese with mellow wine.

Doubtless of the conventional wine pairing guidelines what cannot be forgotten is the fact that both cheese and wine share similar flavor profile and hence there are exceptions and rules that have to be taken care with details of a flavor profiles of complex as well as young cheeses and wines.

Facts provide that other than pairing wines and cheeses of similar flavors, there are cheese that have a contrast pairing with wine, like pairing Taleggio with Reislings or Brie with Chardonnay. What is required is a bit of sensitivity towards the flavor details of both cheese and wine to pair the former with aptness in pungency, acidity, creaminess, saltiness and sweetness.

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