Chicken and Cabbage in Yogurt Sauce

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Chicken, cabbage and green chilies create great drama in a sloppy yogurt sauce. The recipe is as follows:


Chicken Breasts
Shredded Cabbage
Chopped Coriander leaves
Green Chilies Paste
Chopped Green Chilies
Whole Cumin
Powdered Cinnamon
Crushed Garlic
Chopped Shallots


1. Fry cumin, shallots, green chilies and garlic until brown. To it add cabbage and chicken breasts, salt and powdered cinnamon. Cook over slow fire, covered until the chicken is tender and brown.

2. Grind together yogurt, green chilies paste and coriander leaves to fine paste.

3. Add the yogurt mixture to the chicken breasts and cabbage mixture. Stir them well and heat it for 5 minutes.

4. Serve with rice.

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