Chilean Sea Bass restored to seafood counters, diners lured back to white meat

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Chilean Sea Bass popularly known as toothfish is reported to have been making fresh appearances in the US in seafood counters in the local market and the Whole Foods Market, after having been ripped off from menus due to illegal fishing. Facts provide that the Chilean Sea Bass is restored to seafood stores by an Antarctic fishery after being certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council and they will be sold in Whole Foods for $25 a pound.

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The campaign by the chefs in the US to curb illegal fishing of Chilean sea bass way back in 2002 has brought forth results. At the outset, American diners and chefs can consolidate the status quo of Chilean sea bass, by confirming that the source of the Chilean bass is legal and certified, under the trade name of MSC-certified sea bass.

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The American diners can cease to satisfy themselves in the alternatives of striped bass, halibut, and orata along with the environmentalists who had had apprehended a ‘commercial extinction’ of Chilean sea bass in five years.

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With the Chilean Sea Bass, the restaurateurs of upscale restaurants can be assured of adding some more sophistication and bucks to the seafood lot with the mild-flavored and appeal of white meat, luring back diners.

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