Chocolate, chocolate on my mind: Devour it for its medicinal values, taste and what not!

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Do have passion for chocolates. I must admit that one of my great delights in life is chocolate. It does not matter what kind of chocolate it is, just as long as it is chocolate. It’s very difficult to find someone who does not like chocolate.

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The draw to chocolate is universal and makes chocolate, in any form, size or shape, a most popular gift. This is as true for adults as it is for kids; do you know any child that didn’t love trick-or-treating or getting a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day when they were more mature? No matter if you are big or small, chocolate is a fantastic gift for just anyone.

Bite your tongue! Evidence is mounting that some kinds of chocolate are actually good for you. Here’s the latest about the healthy side of your chocolate eating habit and taste-tested advice on what to try.

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Chocolates are rich in magnesium, enhance brain function and digestion. They contain Anandamine, also known as bliss chemical, have high content of Phenylethlyamine and are referred to as love drug. Raw coco powder (sometimes spelt as cacao powder) has no chemicals.

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It helps in keeping our heart healthy, keeps blood pressure normal, improve muscle strength, helps in brain gain and metabolism too.

Scientists at the Harvard University School of Public Health recently examined 136 studies on coco, the foundation for chocolate, and found that it does seem to boost heart health.

Coco is rich in flavonoids that make skin rich in moisture, smoother and less scaly. Flavonoids absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood flow to the skin, improving its appearance.

Images Credit: Getty Images

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