Coffee-drinkers to get hot caffeine jolt, as coffee temperature rises to nine degrees by end of 21st century

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Study released by the Union of Concerned Dietitians claims that the temperature of coffee would predictably increase by nine degrees by the end of 21st century and this increase would be directly proportional to human activity.

While there is no scientific evidence backing this claim, yet considering the asserted hegemony of Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s and the likes we might settle for the suggested solution of heating water less than the boiling point and adding chilled milk to the coffee.

Earlier study published by the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis in a journal titled: ‘Drinking hot coffee: Why doesn’t it burn the mouth?‘ reveals that the temperature recommended by the hospitality industry to brew coffee is apparently higher than the thermal pain levels.

Experiment conducted in the study checked the coffee temperatures in the cup, in the coffee bolus, in the oral cavity and on the surface of the tongue and concluded that the temperature of coffee inside the mouth was enough to burn the tongue.

Doubtless of the fact that there are cold coffee and specialty coffee options, but a hot cup of java is what is making coffee, rise to trends equal to that of cola. But considering the effect of hot coffee on health, the demand for a hot caffeine jolt can be contradicted.

Hospitality industry must lay down standards for ‘corporate coffee’ machines and the brewing of hot coffee to a harmless temperature. In addition to the attempts made by hospitality industry it is high time that the coffee drinkers measure the effects of gulping down a boiling cup of coffee and end-up with a chronic thermal injury in the esophagus.

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