How to Cook Bok Choy

Bok choy, also called as pak choi or Chinese cabbage, is a member of cabbage family and is mostly eaten in Asian continent. Bok choy has long thick stalks and large green leaves with mild tangy flavor. It is one of the versatile vegetables which can be served with other food items like mushroom, beacons and cheese. It is a healthy side dish. It is prepared by either steaming or grilling but the most common method followed for cooking this delicious dish is stir frying. If you want to prepare this delectable dish, then the following guide will surely help you in the task. Give it a shot and enjoy eating tasty bok choy.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: 15-20 minutes

Resources Required:

  1. Bok choy
  2. Paper towels
  3. Measuring spoons
  4. Seasoning
  5. Peanut oil
  6. Plate
  7. Skillet


1. Remove the bottom and chop the leaves: The first step is to cut the bottom of the bok choy with a sharp knife so that leaves separate. Wash each leaf under cold water and then dry by paper towels. After dried, cut the stems of leaves and chop the leaves and stems into small sizes. Separate the leaves from stems because stems take more time in cooking as compared to leaves.

2. Heat oil and cook the stems: Place a skillet on a gas stove and pour 2 tablespoons of oil at a medium heat. Wait till the oil gets hot. Add the stems and start frying the stems with a spoon.

3. Add leaves and water: When the stems become tender and crispy, add leaves to it. Cook for few more minutes. Now sprinkle two tablespoons of water over it and cover the skillet with plate for steam. Keep the skillet on steam for one minute. Be cautious about not to overcook otherwise it will taste bitter. The boy choy leaves should remain green in color and stems crispy.

4. Seasoning: With light seasoning with salt, soy sauce or sesame oil, the boy choy will taste delicious. You have the full freedom for additional seasoning as per your desire. You can add roasted garlic, lemon juice, dried chili and ginger to make it more delicious. Savor the moments of eating the hot bok choy with family and friends.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the benefits of bok choy?

Bok choy vegetable is mostly eaten in Asia. It is low in calorie and rich in nutrients. It contains vitamins and minerals, photochemical and fiber. Vitamins and minerals are helpful in growth and development of body. The phytochemicals are quite beneficial to human body especially for women as it minimizes the risk of breast cancer and tries to maintain the level of estrogen hormone in the blood. The fiber is good for digestion and thus prevents constipation and facilitates normal bowel movement.

Quick tips:

The baby bok choy is small in size as compared to full grown bok choy. The baby coy is prepared in the same way as traditional bok choy but it requires extra cautiousness while cooking. Firstly, you have to remove the bottom and then rinse and dry the leaves. Then, transfer the stem and leaves in a skillet and cover with water and cook for few minutes. When a strong aroma is released that means dish is prepared.

Things to watch out for:

Prevent overcooking of bok choy, otherwise it will taste bitter and sour.

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