How to Cook Cauliflower

Many people nurture cooking as a great hobby and a good pastime. But cooking a yummy vegetable dish is not everyone’s cup of tea. Well, cauliflower is an exception as it’s very easy and quick to cook. Like other family members of cabbage, it is a very nutritional vegetable. It is the most preferred dish for colder months. Though it lacks flavor but you can add spices to it that will render good flavors to the dish. Mostly, it is served as a side dish for meals but it is taken with heavy sauce and cheese. You can make it at home without facing any difficulty. Below is the guide that will surely help you in preparing this green nutritional vegetable. Go on.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: 12-15 minutes

Resources Required:

  1. Cauliflower
  2. Knife
  3. Salt
  4. Spices
  5. Oil


  1. Remove the leaves and stem: The first step in cooking this nutritional vegetable is removing outer leaves from the main stem. After this, cut the main stem of the vegetable with sharp knife. Now, make small florets of equal size.
  2. Rinse and again cut stem: Now, rinse the florets thoroughly under cold water so that dirt gets washed off. Cut the stems of these florets one by one precisely. Don’t be haste in cutting the florets and stem of these florets otherwise it will take more time in cooking the dish.
  3. Add spices and cook: Transfer the florets in a saucepan completely covered by water and add in it some spices, which possibly can add taste and flavor to the dish. Simmer the mixture on a gas stove at a medium heat for more than 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, place the saucepan at a stand to check it whether these florets have become tender and crispy, if not the keep it again on gas stove for few minutes more. Savor the delectable side dish or serve with other food items like cheese or meat.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to make oven roasted cauliflower?

Things you require in making the oven roasted cauliflower is ingredients like a cauliflower, olive oil, salt and pepper. Firstly, preheat the oven at 450 F. Remove the outer leaves of cauliflower and main stem and cut into small equal florets. Now, rinse the florets thoroughly under cold water. Place at a stand to get drained and dried. Mix olive oil and seasoning, which depends upon the choice and taste and then add florets in roasting pan. Now, transfer the roasting pan in the preheated oven for half an hour. Try to maintain a single layer of florets so that these florets get roasted at equal pace. Take out the roasting pan when cooked fully and serve the hot roasted cauliflower because hot florets taste very delicious.

Quick Tips:

For large sized cauliflower, it is suggested to cut florets from the main stem and then cut again into similar pieces to get cooked well.

Things to watch out for:

Be cautious about cooking cauliflower in an aluminium or iron pot. Cauliflower contains a chemical compound which is released during cooking. If this green vegetable is cooked in aluminium utensil, the chemical substance present in vegetable reacts with aluminium and the dish turns yellow in color. The same thing happens when cooked in iron pot, though color changes to brown or blue-green.

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