Cordon Bleu Chef Hunt targets an International Culinary Package

le cordonLe Cordon Bleu at the Taj Palace Hotel in Delhi had hosted a four day ‘3rd LE CORDON BLEU-IFOWS CULINARY CUP’ from 18th to 21st Jan to encourage the budding talent in the culinary industry. 56 chefs from all over India had participated in this Fourth India International Food and Wine Show Culinary Cup. This event was co-sponsored by Cordon Bleu and David Bilsland, its chef instructor from its London school.

This contest had fourteen different events module in four days. In all the events the chefs cooked up exotic dishes with wine as an important ingredient. What surprises me is the creativity of the chefs to cook Nalli Gosht and Pineapple Jalebi, a dessert using wine. I wonder how Anil Chauhan the modifier behind the authentic Indian dishes managed to do it with wine. However, the distinguished panel of judges apart from David Bilsland comprised renowned chefs and food critics from India and Europe, exalted the presentation skills of the participants, but they stressed on the improvement of seasonings and flavor. There will be six winning titles and cherry on the icing will be the title of the Cordon Bleu chef.

Cordon Bleu is the only institute with 26 schools in 15 countries and it is really encouraging, for the Indian chefs when they are given an opportunity to join a culinary institute of high repute, which would hone their skills of International Cooking. As today the top six chefs are going to be awarded, let us wait and watch who takes the big piece of the cake.

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