CSPI to sue Cadbury Schweppes on breaching advertising limits

7up11Beverages claim to be all-natural with their marketing content incorporating everything that the nature produces from organic to whole, until a nutritional advocate disrupts all the claims made by the beverage manufacturer. The latest in this category is 7UP, which asserted about it being a natural beverage in Sunny new television ads and its tall claims were broken by Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).

It is reported that the analysis of contents in the bottle showed that unlike its labels and jingles the only natural contents were carbonated water and high fructose corn syrup along with what the report points out as ‘unspecified flavors’. This discovery has led CSPI to file a legal suit against Cadbury Schweppes.

The sole reason behind this legal suit is to restrict the freedom of the word ‘natural’ for the beverage that consists of high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup can cause that oxidative damage that the unspecified flavors together cannot cause. Cadbury surely does not need re-branding, but as far as advertising is concerned, it certainly cannot breach its limitations. Well, CSPI should attempt the same with other beverage companies I am sure if it finds some with similar false claims the consumers will be the one to get disappointed.

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