Curry Simple presents authentic Thai Cuisine

55tyrrgIt is difficult to cook foods of some other region until you do not have the ingredients nor the recipes and skills to cook them in an ethnic way. Think of Thai food and you will understand why made the above statement. But now you do not have to worry as Mike Moran and Nimitr Harimtepathip present you Curry Simple, a new website to provide you with authentic Thai ingredients, authentic Thai sauces and Thai Tea syrup. The ingredients are divided into Gourmet Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Green Curry and Masaman Curry cooked and Gourmet curry gumbo curry pastes, which just needs to be heated before pouring into your favorite chicken, greens, beef and other stuff of your choice, depending upon the Thai curry you want to cook up. These curry pastes have coconut milk in common with mix-match of red chili, green chili and other condiments. There are other ingredients like a traditional Pad Thai sauce, Thai Stir fry sauce and Thai tea syrup.

With regards to the quality of these authentic ingredients Mike says:

We use the latest food packaging technology to ensure quality and to meet U.S. FDA standards. All of our products are shelf stable without preservatives. This is the same packaging developed for NASA to keep perishable food fresh on space shuttle flights. If you know how to cook meat, tofu and veggies, you will now be able to prepare a delicious authentic Thai meal at home with the help of our sauces.

All those who are puritanical as far as food choices are concerned will find it interesting and a gateway to explore the different culinary possibilities in Thai cuisine.

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