He is none other than “Saurav Ganguly”….
Lets share some of the rare collections of ganguly pics…..on this day of pride….for all Bengalees all over the world………it’s a small tribute to this great legend…..
“I used to write essays of her homework, when I was in school”..after all she is my wife….
“This is me at 5” ———————–>
“I can play it as well as cricket”…. Believe me
“alone together in pair……..in my home…at behala”
The two big families of Indian cricket together..now that’s a rare one…..
“On my first tours of England (under 18) at age of 16…..ajay,sachin,vinod were there with me…. ”
Now that’s the most rare one………me on the right and my great partner “chhotobabu” on the left”…….
On the first tour of Australia…..back in 1991 with the aussie prime minister …….
“Yes I will always return”…….as said by bryan adams……..
Or “evabeo fire asha jay”…..by mohiner ghoraguli….
I am the “dada of all dadas out there …..”
“Yes I am not finished yet….”