Desert Rose introduces organic salsa for the Supercenter market

wewrqeretret7567Desert Rose Foods Inc., a Gourmet Salsa manufacturer has introduced a new line of healthy and organic salsa called as Alberta’s Organic and this was released at the Winter Fancy Food Show last month. The salsas will feature from Chipotle, roasted tomato salsas and many other flavors. The products of the company are targeted at specific distribution channels and this creation covering everything from its Farm to Market Brands will be meant for the Supercenter retailers.

The Company will also be launching complete meals under its brand High Country Cowboy label, which will feature Beefsteak Chili, Vegetarian Chili, Taco filling, Beef Stew and Chicken with Dumplings. The most important thing is that Desert Rose has taken care of the changing consumer preferences, and created whole and natural organic stuff and has channelised the products in the right direction of the retail markets.

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