Diet and food stories of year 2006

Happy New Year 2007! Let’s talk about some popular diet stories of 2006.

1. Ban on trans fat and junk food advertising: New York City banned trans fats from restaurants in the city. The British Government proposed similar ban on ads for foods high in salt, sugar or fat during programs aimed at children 16-years old and younger. To minimize the childhood obesity the schools all over the world banned fizzy drinks and junk food.
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2. Obese kids: According to reports around the world: Sixteen percent of all French children are thought to be overweight. As far as New York City’s children are 24 percent obese and one in five Australian student is overweight.

3. Jamie Oliver vs junk food mums: Jamie Oliver, the British celebrity chef who donned a fat suit earlier in 2006 to year to publicize his show about the quality of school lunches in Britain.
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But according to mums favoring junk food kids should be given choice what they want to eat and what they don’t want.

4. You: It is the biggest name in diet books in 2006 written by doctors Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen. The book was praised by Oprah and immediately moved to the top of the bestseller list on Amazon.

5. Food with advantages: American Dietetic Association found that eating chocolates enriched with plant sterols can significantly reduce cholesterol.

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