Disney pitches into nutritious meals to balance fun with health

donut hole 7Walt Disney Co. is reported to re-launch its food products served in theme parks in California and Florida without the Trans fats. Facts provided by the Disney Brand claims that it will provide an alternative to sodas and calorific tucks, eliminating all the foodstuffs that do not meet the nutritional requirements of the children or contain unhealthy ingredients, strictly following the guidelines set by The Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The evaluation of the nutritionists regarding the acceptability of Trans-fat free, calorie-free and sugar free food in a fun zone might prove to go along way, except if the foods served do not turn away consumers like it turned away the burger lovers in McDonalds.

However, as the initial tests of 20,000 kids’ meals showed a 90 percent inclination of kids and parents towards nutritious meals, the pitching of Disney foods can be considered as a successful attempt in getting the American kids love nutritious meals.

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