Dogs accused of being sold without ‘porky’ labels

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Cook County is reported to have accused Vienna Beef because of selling its Jewish customers, dogs with the ‘forbidden pork casing’. The Company is strutted-up by the Consumer Advocacy Group, with arguments that no labels reveal the casings of hot dogs unless they are otherwise encased with natural pig casings. There are claims of the company selling only skinless dogs at the stadiums, stores and at hot dog carts, which apparently reports the source of the ‘tainted’ frank for the Jews.

Though the Jews claim that they had witnessed the mention of pork casing labeled on the ingredients list of the hot dog cart, yet there is no evidence backing their claim. Moreover, Jews should have checked the labels before biting into the dogs. Dogs are traditionally filled in pig casings, but recent trend reports them of being skinless and therefore it becomes all the more important of consumers having religious restrictions or food allergies should read the labels before consuming meat-related products.

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