Drink soy sauce to quick-fix damaged cells

soy sauceThe widely used condiment in Chinese cuisine, Soy sauce, is reported to benefit 10 times more than red wine and Vitamin C in treating human cell damage. The studies that were published in Singapore’s Strait Times, by a group of Singapore researchers revealed that Soy sauce being made of fermented soybeans contains 10 times more antioxidants than red wine and 150 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Research team-leader professor Barry Halliwell said:

There is a preventative aspect, showing that it may potentially slow down the rate of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Professor Halliwell asserted about the benefits of soy sauce along with warning the consumers against excessive consumption of soy sauce, which might otherwise lead to high blood pressure.

Concisely, the customers can make a switch over from French and Italian Cuisine to Chinese Cuisine. The switch over does not have to be total, but there should be a room for feasibility, to regulate the portion of soy sauce intake from a direct intake from the bottle to taking it indirectly from Chinese foods.

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