Dukes Hospital to serve five-star food for patients

peru foodFrom hotels to hospitals the hospitality department has made its way. A recent report has shown that Dukes Memorial Hospital in Peru is offering five-star food service to its patients, modeled after Dupont Hospital in Fort Wayne, to give them a homely feel. As per Andrew Lipari, Dukes director of food service:

The trend has been to do this for a while at other area hospitals. The Dukes menu gives them a lot of choices. We want to make them feel at home here.

The food is prepared on a specific diet schedule laid over heart healthy food, low sodium foods and other diets. The menu is quite transparent about the amount of carbs and the patient will be monitored on the basis of the carbs he orders. The food includes an array of breakfast items, grilled foods, pizza, brownies, cookies, spaghetti, salmon, and lots more.

The food in the hospital will help the patients to follow the same diet in their home. The patients will cease to feel patients as there is a menu that will allow them to have good food and diet rolled out over a luscious and tasty ingredients and food items.

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