EU goes the US way to reveal Trans Fat secrets on food labels

eu labelsThe Oxford researchers point out that proper labeling of hidden Trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol enhancers would help the consumers in taking proper decision while purchasing food items.

The comparison pointed out here is the American system of nutritional labeling, where it is mandatory for the food manufacturers to make food choices healthier for the consumers. The status quo of nutritional labeling in the UK is solely in the hands of the food manufacturers, who decide the content of a food label.

In response to the research by the Oxford team, the EU directive is attempting to change the labeling system in the UK. EU had been real slow in revealing the secrets of food content. However, it is never too late to understand and make the consumers understand that trans fats do not contribute anything to the nutritional profile of a foodstuff. Even if EU switches to the US Food and Drug Administration’s system for labeling, it is better that it makes attempts at the grass root levels to keep trans-fatty foods off the shelves.

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