Farm-fresh verdict on spinach! Too true to believe

spinach 2Following the brouhaha on the contamination of spinach is a report about restoring the tainted spinach back with all its glory to the lunch plates and salad bowls might take the spinach lovers to re-contemplate. However, the reports of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention giving hourly statistics of people affected by the spinach contamination and FDA’s continuous warnings against the bagged stuff are actually missing two things.

Primarily are not the consumers missing a daily diet of iron? Secondly, perhaps the food and disease regulatory body should concentrate more on the source of contamination in bagged spinach and find an alternative resource of procuring spinach for the spinach loving consumers.

These two things are somewhere there in the farm-fresh perspective of Dr. David Acheson, chief medical officer of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the F.D.A. However, it is difficult to give a verdict that locally fresh spinach from the farms is safe to eat.

But a report from New York Times claims that those farms which use safe methods of farming and if the consumers can bank upon the safety then spinach issue ceases to be an issue for consumption. Following the confirmation that consumers know that they are eating a fresh leaf it hardly matters if they are having it raw or cooked, until it gives them nutrition.

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