Fast food trends going against elaborate Thanksgiving traditions

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Thanksgiving traditions are really deviating and at the outset of the Thanksgiving Day what is worth noticing is the trend of fast food convenience against an elaborately prepared Thanksgiving dinner.

An article points out the growing preference of home cooks and diners to have Thanksgiving meal in a restaurant or get the turkey prepared by professional cooks, from turkey farms or grocery stores. Earlier study provides that traditional Thanksgiving give the joys of home cooked food, which tends to be mutually prepared and shared by family members and considering the American diners today what can be said is that thanksgiving is celebrated sans a heart-filled with thanks.

There is nothing bad in trying out tubes of readymade gravies, stuffing or for that matter whole turkey, but then Thanksgiving and the foods attached to Thanksgiving have a special place in the history. Therefore, home cooks should realize the worth of cooking together long elaborate Thanksgiving dinner rather then wrapping it up in shrunken bags in a moment.

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