Now-a-days, Facebook has become a very popular social networking service. Most of us, use this service and some of us are addicted to it. It’s also very interesting and innovative networking service, where we met our old friends and also new friends. Here, we can upload many photos, we can express our thoughts and feelings. We can chat with our friends and can share many more with them. Some of us, will also get their life partner through this networking service.
Online Love
It’s very nice feeling and experience to flirt with our partner online. We get very much attracted to this site when we are very much close to some person through something like this because we can connect with our partner anywhere at any time. We falls in love with that person so much that we start posting things related to him or her on this social site. Then by some reason or another we break up with our partner. So, now let’s have look at what are those things which are not be done on Facebook after break up.
Stay away from
First of all, we should unfriend that partner or there is also another option of blocking and we can use any option. By doing this, we will not be seen by that person. So, this is very safe side to protect our self from all this.
Stop, avoid and forget
We should stop posting our status so that no one will understand that, what’s going on in our mind? We should avoid going online many a times. With all this, we should also be aware about our friends those who are in our list and the same person should not be friend with our partner with whom you had a break up.
Turn your back on
We should be aware of what we are posting and uploading on our page. Don’t express your emotions on this by different songs and quotes. Don’t write anything wrong about your time or luck. It’s like giving hint to someone, of our feelings and emotions. It’s really very hard to come out from this shock. But, as s safe side we should understand this and should also follow everything.
One should keep everything in mind what points we have discussed above. Which will be really useful for the person who are undergoing through this same situation. Avoid most of the things like uploading photos, songs, status, quotes, and etc.