Feast your eyes on odd shaped watermelons!


Watermelons – fruits that entice one and all when they dig a bite into them are a hot favorite in the summer. So far, I had seen round and at the most, an oval shaped water melon. You know, what a great problem these round ones are when you have to refrigerate them.

Now, give it to the Japanese (Who else!) to come up with a solution and you have water melons in all shapes – square ones sit in your fridge perfectly and you just can’t resist buying the human faced ones even if you hate water melons.


No, square shaped or cubic water melons are not a new phenomenon, they were produced by an innovative Japanese farmer from Kagawa about 25 years ago. These exotic shaped water melons don’t come cheap of course. You have to shell out around 12,000 yen, which is about $98 to take this one home. But, as much as you can feast your eyes with a cubic water melon, the same can’t be said about the effect it has on your taste buds!


Farmers from Hokkoida next came up pyramid watermelons that are triangular in shape. These are difficult to grow when compared to the cubic shaped ones and are grown in an acrylic shaped box to get that triangular shape. Naturally, they cost you a fortune – a whopping 80,000 yen, which is about $650. The taste as usual disappoints!

Of course, the next one has to get better than its predecessors. So, here come watermelons that are shaped like human face with eyes, nose and a killing smile that would stop your knife from even getting near it! Again costs the same as pyramid watermelons, about 80,000 yen.

Well, anything that’s odd is sure to grab attention, but what’s the use if they don’t feast your taste buds after paying through your nose and literally burning a hole in your pockets. I’d rather enjoy the good ol’ round ones at home and feast my eyes on the odd ones in the shop!


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