First Chocolate covered Mint Candy

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Gum maker Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. is reported to have come-up with a combination of dark chocolate covered mint in its popular Altoids brand. Named as Altoids Dark Chocolate Dipped Mints, the mint-covered chocolate is scheduled to make its first appearance in December in peppermint, cinnamon and ginger flavors and it claims to target the dark chocolate trend in the market with its new creation.

Chocolate covered mint is probably the follow-up of chocolate covered mint cake and is sure to catch the trend with both chocolate and mint lovers. Well seen as an attempt on the part of Wrigley to perk-up fallen sales, this dark chocolate covered mint might be promising refreshment and one that is quite obviously a gum-candy ‘out of the box’ and one that is trendier than Hershey’s Mint chocolate chips.

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