First ‘Ethical Cod’, without any ‘catch’

no catch cod 7Earlier post announcing the restoration of world’s first sustainably caught codfish by Young’s Seafood is now been replaced by No Catch Cod Shetland-based Johnson Sustainable Seafoods (JSS), which is scheduled to be launched in the UK early next year. Fact provided claims it to be the world’s first 100% organic and sustainable cod, certified by the Organic Food Federation.

However, Johnson Sustainable Seafood follows Young seafood’s Pacific cod, but the former can be considered on the merit that it has taken from Supreme Award at The Scottish Food and Drink Excellence Awards 2006, and silver at the Soil Association Food Awards 2006. Available at the Planet Organic and Fresh and Wild stores, it is in the hands of the customers to choose between ethical cod or the ones without any certification.

Sustainable fishing is something that has been the target of fishing companies to lure customers, but more than that sustainable fishing is the need of the hour for the health needs of the customers and the ecological needs.

Via: Hippyshopper

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