Flavoring the flavors…

chutneysqCondiments being flavoring agents themselves are now reported to go gourmet-like by being flavored. Flavoring a flavor is the current trend that claims to cater to the changing tastes of consumers.

This might be with respect to making different flavors more compact by having the ‘punch and sting’ of all the herbs, spices, condiments in one bottle. Facts tip the consumers with the underlying principle of condiments to match the main ingredients of the foods and not to overpower them. Balance is what makes spicing-up ketchup, mayo and mustard with strong and subtle flavors worth the job.

Well the story of flavored condiments does not end at a principle, but it begins with targeting the nutritional profile of condiments and the economy of spicing them healthy at home. The best benefit of flavoring a flavor is that a condiment does not become limited in usage but the same condiment can be used to enhance flavors of a wide variety of dishes and can also fulfill other culinary purposes.

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