Freaky flavor trend pushes Cheddar to top snack-food aisle

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Snack Food Association of America has published a survey revealing whopping sales of $24 billion in the snack-food aisle coming from cheddar-flavored snacks in the supermarket. Facts provided in the survey have reportedly listed out the expanding flavor array in the American snack market complementing the cheddar flavor.

Food innovations in 2006 has witnessed Frito Lays’ chips and other finger foods appearing in bolder flavors and the apparent inclination of American consumers towards Asian and Indian flavors is still on a high.

However the trend with cheddar as the reigning flavor is nothing new as the cheddar had caught with the bold flavors because of its pungency. Therefore, gourmets do not have much to analyze in the snacking category as the flavor preferences of American diners is concentrated and limited to bolder flavors and has not diversified to milder flavors.

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