Grape fruit salad on spinach leaves

grape fruit salad 985
Enjoy a low fat and low calorie valentine day. You must be finding ways to please your partners. But you cannot afford with burgers cakes, cookies and food recipes rich in carbohydrates and unsaturated fats and oils.
Because of your office schedule you cannot spend ample time with your family members and especially your hubby who wants to share his experiences with you. You could please them with easy and simple salad. grape fruit 985
Salads are loved and relished by most of my kitchen geeks. Tangy salad full of vivid fruits and flavors add to taste. Serving your purpose of appetizers and ciders.
Where did grapefruit come from?

The first grapefruit resulted from an accidental hybrid between the orange and the pummel in the West Indies in 1750. It was grown only as a novelty until the late 1880s in Florida, when small commercial production was shipped north. Texas, Arizona and parts of California began growing grapefruit commercially around 1910. The ruby grapefruit was a natural red pigmented mutation discovered in Texas in 1929.
Like other citrus fruit, grapefruit is high in vitamin C, low in sodium and has about 65 calories per fruit.
spinach salad 985
Ingredients of grape fruit salad

300gms of baby spinach leaves
1 small ripe pink grape fruit (peeled with pith and seeds removed) sliced and cut into small cubes
1 peeled and chopped small red onion
250gms of sliced mushrooms
150gms of fresh juicy raspberries
2 tbsp of chopped walnut pieces


1. Thoroughly rinse, drain and dry baby spinach leaves
2. Arrange on salad plate and place grapefruit pieces on top of these leaves
3. Top with chopped onions and sliced mushrooms.
4. Scatter raspberries and sprinkle walnut pieces on to of the salad
5. Finally drizzle it with your favorite vinaigrette or lemon juice. Or make your own dressing using 1 part good-quality olive oil to three parts orange, lemon or grapefruit juice. Place in a small screw-top jar and shake vigorously.
6. Garnish with avocado and if possible place your salad on banana leaves instead of spinach.


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