Hain introduces the first ever Unsalted Chips in the World

retrtr456The Hain Celestial Group, in Melville, NY, is a natural and organic food products Company and recently the Company introduced snack products of its two brands in the natural snacks category at the Natural Products Expo, in the US. The product offering of the two brands Terra(R) and Garden of Eatin'(R) includes slightly salted to unsalted potato chips and various cheese snacks.

Garden of Eatin'(R) offers its new pita chips with Brown Sugar and Cinnamon flavors, organic cheese snacks Cheddar Cheese Puffs and Cheddar Cheese Crunchitos, which is made of organic corn and organic cheddar cheese.While the cheese snacks are organic in Garden of Eatin, the potato chips are unsalted in Terra. Terra offers Terra Parsnip Chips, which are sweet and slightly salted and the potato chips have 90 percent less sodium with three basic flavors of Au Naturel Potato Chips, Unsalted Hickory BBQ Potato Chips and Lemon Pepper Potato Chips.

As per Irwin Simon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hain Celestial:

We continue to be the innovator in the natural and organic product sector while continuing to meet consumer demand for great tasting, healthy snacks. As a category leader, we’re the first company to offer unsalted, seasoned potato chips and cheese snacks made with organic cheddar cheese.

These products are Kosher certified and a real treat to customers who seek ingredients and health in the products they buy.

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