Hot bods to boost cheese sales

The Telegraph of London reports that Veronique Richez-Lerouge and her friends have posed for a cheesy ad to promote cheese sales in the new Cheese Girls’ Calendar to promote Lyons region cheeses.

The marketing strategy of the French cheese company’s head was to pull the cheese sales, I hopes he knows customers who come running on such ads can never be women, when women are the major consumers of cheese. Apart from that such strategies are good for short term as if the Lyons cheese is not tasty, it can never be accepted in the food industry. The women said that they are all set to dispel the myth that cheese is for fat women was actually not required as cheese markets look forward for better quality cheese that can have varied applications, both in fast food and in various cuisines.

The women decked up in lingerie will be posing with cheese produced every month by the industry. However, in 2007 there are upcoming cheese trends and the company should ty to improve the quality of the cheese along with packaging to create a sustainable market for itself…cheese is something edible, and body cheese got to be equally edible.Even better try out the cheese bra formula.
Read More:UPI

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