How to clean leather seat

Leather is known for it’s versatility it can be used in a variety of ways. One of the most common way of using leather fabric is using it in vehicles seats. Leather is a very durable fabric and they are used for both vehicles seats and home furnishings. Leather seats need proper cleaning to stop them from becoming stained, dusty and grimy. Many company makes leather cleaner. You can use a commercial cleaner, or you can make a cleaner at your home. Leather seats need to be cleaned on a regular basis or else mold and germ will grow on them. Growth of such germs can cause health problem and can also spoil the look of your leather seat. You can clean your leather easily by following the steps given on this page.
Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: Fifteen hours
Estimated cost: $ 50
Tip: Before you start cleaning your leather seats read the instruction manual carefully. Always test the cleaner on a small portion ( on a inconspicuous ) before you start cleaning to make sure that the product will not damage or discolor your leather seat.
Things to watch out for: Never ever use any rough rag to clean your leather seat, it can cause irreparable damage to your leather seat. Do not dry your leather seat under direct sunlight as this can discolor your leather seat.
Things you will need:
1. Water
2. Bowl
3. Soft cloth
4. Leather cleaner
5. Vinegar
6. linseed oil
7. Hair spray ( for tough stains ) or nail polish remover ( non-acetone )
8. Cornstarch ( for greasy stains )
Steps: to clean leather seats by using commercial cleaner.
1. Take a bowl and fill it with water.
2. Spray the seats with the cleaner( shake well before spraying ) and Start cleaning by using circular motion.
3. Dip the soft cloth in the bowl of water and start rubbing the cleaner in to the seat. Leave the cleaner on the seat for couple of minutes to pull up deep-down dirt and stains.
4. Repeat the process if there are some stains on your leather seat.
5. If the stains are still visible you can use hair spray or nail polish remover ( non-acetone ) to remove that tough stains.
6. Wipe the seat with a damp cloth and then dry it off completely by using soft cloth.

Steps: to clean leather seats by using homemade cleaner
1. Make a mixture by adding one part of vinegar to two part of linseed oil.
2. Take a soft cloth and dip it into the mixture ( apply the mixture in the evening ) and then apply it on the whole leather seat by using circular motions.
3. Allow the mixture to settle on the leather seat for overnight. Next day, buff it up by using a soft cloth.
4. Then let the leather seat dry. Never dry it under the direct sunlight as it can cause some color discoloration.
5. This step is required for only greasy stains. If the stains are greasy you can use cornstarch take some cornstarch and rub it on the stain. Wipe it with a clean damp cloth and then let the leather seat dry.

Frequently asked questions:
1. How do i take care of my leather seats: Leather is a very durable fabric. You can take care of your leather seats by simply cleaning them on regular basis.
2. How do i clean a sticky stain from my leather seat: You can clean a sticky stain from your leather seat by rubbing it with a wet cloth.
3. How can i clean sweat stains from my leather seat: Make a mixture by taking three part of vinegar and one part of water and then dip a cloth in it. Rub the stain by using that cloth and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth.

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