How to make orange juice

With summers approaching, we always look forward to refreshing soft drinks to cool down. A glass of chilled orange juice does the trick, if you know how to make it the right way. Oranges are not only delicious, but absolutely nutritious as well. With all those vitamins packed in, it can only do good to you by boosting your immunity and deterring off diseases. Made straight from an orange or added as a flavor enhancer to desserts, cakes and even meat, orange juice goes a long way. Here’s how you can make a glass of perfectly squeezed orange juice.

Complexity level: Basic

Time required: 20 minutes

Estimated cost: $1-$2

Resources required:

1. Fresh oranges

2. Knife

3. Juicer/ blender/ Press

4. Strainer

5. Water

6. Ice

7. Pitcher & glasses


1. Prepare oranges

Gather enough number of fresh oranges to make the juice. Slightly roll them on your kitchen counter or squeeze them with your hand gently. This will allow the juices to move around.

2. Extract the Pulp

Slice the oranges into two halves and remove the seeds and the white veins carefully. Using the knife, slice around the edges of the orange to separate the fruit from the peel slightly.

3. Extract Juice out of Pulp

Place the manual juicer on a table or kitchen top, in a position convenient for you. Grip one half of the orange with your hand and using pressure on your palm and fingers rotate the slice around the juicer to let out as much juice as possible. If using an electric one, then you just need place the juicer on the glass, place one half of the orange on the blade and turn on the switch. It would get the juices flowing into the glass without much hassle. Continue with the remaining orange slices

4. Serve the Juice

Using a spoon, scrape off the pulp and add it to the juice if you need more volume. Otherwise, for clearer juice use a strainer to seep the juice into a pitcher, top with enough ice and serve cold.

Frequently asked questions

Which other methods can I use to make orange juice?

If you don’t have a juicer of any kind, you can use your hands to do the job. Hold the orange slice over a glass and squeeze into it, rotating it periodically. Continue till no more juice is produced. You may have to strain the juice to remove the seeds which may have fallen in. You can also use a press for the same. Place the orange half inside the press and squeeze into the glass for clear orange juice.

If the orange juice is not too sweet, what should I do?

It largely depends on the type of oranges used. Using a sweeter variety like Valencia for a sweeter juice. You can also add some natural honey or sugar to enhance sweetness.

Quick tips:

1. Oranges stored at room temperature yields more juice than ones that have been refrigerated.

2. While buying oranges for juicing purposes, look for those with firm skins and those which are not blemished or wrinkled. More bright the orange the more juice it would contain.

3. Warming the oranges lightly in a microwave can also help loosen up the juices inside, which would make for better flow while squeezing

Things to watch out for

1. Store oranges in a cool dry place for it to last longer. Or if you want to place them in a refrigerator, make sure you pack them in a plastic bag and then store. Otherwise it could go bad

2. Juice the oranges within a day or two after purchasing for maximum juice and flavor.

3. The blades of the juicers may be extremely sharp. Watch your fingers while juicing.

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