How to Use a Juicer

Making fresh juice at home is definitely a better way compared to buying from the market. Buying a Juicer is always a good investment as juicer makes this task much more easier and hassle-free. With almost every household in possession of a juicer, a glass of healthy and delicious juice is just a step away. Fruit and vegetable juices are not only a great source of vitamins and nutrients but are also easy to make. Follow the instructions below and learn how to use a juicer.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: 5 minutes or less

Estimated Cost: Nil

Resources Required

1. Fruits or vegetables

2. A juicer

3. Pitcher

4. Knife

5. Chopping board

6. Kitchen towels


1. Wash and peel off your Vegetables/Fruits

Keep the fruits or vegetables ready. Wash and chop them into smaller pieces if required. Sometimes big pieces might be inconvenient to push down the feed tube. In that case slice them into smaller chunks. If they require to be peeled do that as well. For example, carrots, kiwis etc. would be much better if peeled.

2.Extract the Juice

Place the juicer on a kitchen counter or table top. It should be at a convenient level so that it is easy for you to push in the ingredients. Also keep the pitcher placed appropriately below the tube that lets out the juice to prevent a mess. Turn the juicer on and one-by-one place the vegetables or fruits down the funnel and press with a plunger. Collect the juice in the pitcher. Continue with the remaining slices.

3. Serve the Juice

Once the vegetables are all done, place a smaller bowl at the receiving end to collect the juices that drip. Once the dripping stops, remove the parts carefully and wash them in soapy water. Transfer the juice from pitchers to bottles and store it or serve immediately with some ice cubes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a juice of all sorts of fruits and vegetables with a juicer?

It is not possible to make juice of some fruits because of their texture. For example, bananas are soft and would be preferred if you blend it and use it as a smoothie instead.

Why should I slice up my ingredients before juicing?

Sometimes, the fruits and vegetables are too large to pass through the funnel and in that case you need to chop them up. It might also be a blender restriction sometimes that you need to cut them up, peel them and maybe remove the stems for a more smoother juice. Skins of oranges, kiwis etc. which are not edible need to be removed for sure.

Quick Tips

1. Using organic fruits and vegetables would increase the nutrient level significantly. They would also be free of pesticides and other chemicals.

2. Collect the pulp formed and pass it through the juicer again instead of wasting or adding it directly for a thicker batch.

3. Add some ginger or mint or other herbs to increase the flavor, if you think the juice is too bland.

Things To Watch Out For

1. If pulp is formed, then it might block the juicer. Remove the fibrous pulp before continuing with the remaining slices.

2. Be careful while handling the juicer, especially while washing, because the blades can be really sharp and it can harm your fingers. Also, push down the fruits using a plunger and not your hands.

3. Some kinds of fruits and vegetables might get jammed and in that case, apply a bit of oil before you start putting the ingredients in.

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