‘Hummus to Go’ goes shelf-stable

hummusHummus is the healthiest and flavorful condiment and now it is into effective packaging with ‘Hummus to Go’ as Wild garden company is pushing the authentic Mediterranean Hummus into shelf stable ‘twisties’. The twisties are shelf stable, absolutely traditional by being fat free and are available in a delicious range of hot pepper, tangy, pungent and pita flavors.

This hummus caters to the convenient storage as it requires no refrigeration and hence can be carried anywhere and applied or taken as an accompaniment to any dish. As far as being functional in production and distribution is concerned, Mark D. Smith says: Retailers, such as delicatessens, will find that being shelf-stable makes Wild Garden TM Hummus Dip a major economic choice, allowing them to enjoy bulk purchase discounts knowing the product will remain fresh for an extended period of time.

Hummus is an energy booster and what better if you can store it a long as you finish it.

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