Ice creams go ‘slimmer’ using the blood of eel

fernwoodIce cream manufacturers have rolled out an array of low-fat ice creams. Nevertheless, what is making news is, food manufacturer, Unilever’s attempt to incorporate protein derived from eel fish in ice creams using GM technology by 2008. Unilever claims that this would allow ice cream lovers to enjoy ice cream without having to compromise with health and flavor.

Converting ice cream into a low-fat food using GM technology has given rise to a controversy where the nutritionists have condemned Unilever in marketing high-fat foods under the lure of health-labels. Though the company does not have enough proofs to back their innovation, yet it uses the figures from the past. Breyers choc-ice sticks used the same protein with half the fat of a standard bar and 30 per cent fewer calories.

The health monitors can restrict their role to monitoring the controversial labeling of the ice cream before it is launched, allowing the ice cream manufacturer their bit with biotechnological innovations.

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