Jamba’s All New Fruit smoothie is 100 percent fruit juice

jambaJamba Juice in California, is the formulator of energy boosting smoothies and juices and recently the Company has introduced 100 percent fruit smoothies, dairy free products called as All Fruit Smoothie and the smoothies includes Strawberry Whirl, Mega Mango™, Grape Escape™ and Raspberry Rainbow™. These smoothies are filled with anti-oxidants, Vitamin C and minerals and are approved by the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH). As per Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., RD, President and CEO of PBH:

Increasing fruit and vegetable intake is the most important step Americans can take to make healthy food choices and achieve better health. People who consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables help reduce their risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. With an All Fruit Smoothie, you are well on your way to 5 A Day The Color Way.

The smoothies are available in 24oz plastic cups and promise to give you a full serving of fruits for the day. These smoothies are rich and pure fruit purees for perking up good health.

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